Struggling To Focus On Your Money? Is It Procrastination?!





Money can seem like a HUGE task. And because it’s a huge task, it can be the thing that gets pushed to the bottom of the “to-do” list.

Well let me help you with that!

Money isn’t an item on a list. It’s a lifestyle!

We have to be looking after our money all the time, and the more you can do to make it easy then the easier it will be for you to continue to do the tasks you need to do.

And be honest with yourself – are you sort of person who will be happy to look at a spreadsheet, or would you feel nauseas at the sight of it?!

So…. here are my quick 10-minute tips that you can use to think about what is causing you to stall, and what you can DO ABOUT IT!


Resources Mentioned In The Session

The Sacred Money Archetypes® Quiz

Book a FREE 1:1 session

*Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

*Eat That Frog

*The 5 Second Rule

*affiliate link (this means that if you use it, you don’t pay any extra, but I get a thank you from amazon for sharing this with you)

Final Thoughts

I hope that was useful – remember…. if you are stalling to do something, think about why this might be and use some of the ideas to push on through and get it done!

Until next time,




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