What Are the 8 Money Archetypes?





Knowing your money personality can be very insightful and is a revelation when it comes to managing your finances. Just doing a quick search on Google will bring up a long list of different personality archetypes. However, the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® are slightly different to some of the other personality types you might have come across.

What Are Archetypes?

The concept of personality archetypes began with Carl Jung, who was very interested in archetypal psychology. Specifically, how our collective unconsciousness and unlearned, instinctive behaviour are at the very core of our personalities.

There is a whole range of different archetypes. From the 7 Feminine Archetypes to the 13 Seduction Archetypes, the Money Coaching Institution’s 8 Money Archetypes, and the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® by Kendall Summerhawk — which are the personality types I trained in.

What’s common across all the different archetypes is that we each have a mixture of all the traits portrayed, with some having a bigger impact on us than others. It gets really interesting when you apply what you’ve learned to money, because as my mentor Kendall Summerhawk says, ‘How we do money is how we do everything’.

Look up any of these archetypes and compare yourself with them, and you’ll find common themes and threads running through each one. There might be a different name for each type, but there will be elements of each which will still apply to you as an individual.

I love revealing to people who they are at their core, then showing them how to use the other archetypes to help improve their relationship with money. As Carl Jung says, this collective unconsciousness can be worked with so that it’s no longer unconscious, but a conscious choice. And that’s really empowering.

So, let’s look at the following 8 sacred money archetypes. Find out what yours is with this free quiz, then pop over and join our Facebook group, and tell me what your results are.

Who Are The Sacred Money Archetypes®?

The Maverick

The Maverick (my top archetype) is very good at taking risks, and I think a lot of entrepreneurs tend to be Mavericks. If this is you, you’ll probably feel confident in your ability to take certain actions, and don’t tend to follow the crowd. When someone advises you on a course of action, you’re more likely to head in the other direction (which means reverse psychology works well with you!).

On the flip side, if you’re a Maverick, you could be prone to taking risks to the extreme, such as seeking ‘get rich quick’ opportunities, which could land you in financial hot water. When working as this archetype on an unconscious level, you could be taking risks that you would otherwise avoid if you took a step back.

The Connector

Connectors are on the opposite scale to Mavericks, in the sense that they like to hide from their money situation. As a connector, you’re much more likely to care about your heart-to-heart connections than about money, and generally, the thought of making money feels icky to you. 

You’re probably more likely to hand over financial responsibilities to someone else. This can be a good thing if you really don’t want to manage your money and can trust someone else to do it for you. The downside is that if you don’t feel confident enough to ask what’s going on, you’re giving away your power.

As a connector, you’re good at networking and learning about people, so it can be really useful to view money as a person. Think about what you’d need to know about money to help you learn how to manage it.

The Romantic

Romantics love spending money on themselves and others because it makes them feel good. They also don’t like being told no. They don’t like budgeting, because it feels restrictive, and they’d much rather have something that feels freeing and helpful. Sound familiar? If you’re a romantic, you probably have no qualms spending money on a credit card and are quite possibly in debt.

On the plus side, you can teach the other archetypes about the importance of pleasure and relaxation, because there are so many of us that don’t do that. For example, the Romantic is much more likely to encourage people to take a break, take some downtime, or go on holiday.

The Alchemist

Alchemists are a bit like connectors, in the sense that they don’t like looking at their finances and tend to have a bit of a love/hate relationship with money. They are, however, good at manifesting money at a time that it’s needed. If the rent is due, you’ll make sure that money is there to cover it. 

The problem is that the money manifestation is not consistent. And if your Alchemist archetype is working unconsciously, it can make you feel vulnerable because you don’t know where the next lot of money is coming from.

If you’re an Alchemist, you worry that having money will corrupt you and make you a bad person. On the contrary, it’s important to be aware that money can help you do good in the world. There is so much more you can do with money and it’s about realising that and working with it.

The Ruler

When working at their best, a Ruler is an empire builder, whether through growing a career or building a business. I think a lot of entrepreneurs tend to be rulers, and they have a desire to create something and help other people.

However, if you’re a ruler, you may find that your shadow side makes you so driven that you tend not to take time off, and neglect to celebrate your wins. You don’t stop to recognise your achievements, and you always feel like it’s not enough. This is where you can learn from the Romantic to take time out and celebrate your wins.

The Celebrity

Celebrity money archetypes are a bit like romantics in the sense that they like to spend money on status symbols. For example, cars, shoes, handbags, housing, and private schools for their children, because spending money on these things brings them joy.

On the flip side, not having the right financial foundations may tempt credit card use. If this is you, you want to look the part but may not have the financial backing in place to cover it. The celebrity will need to build the right foundations so that they can afford their luxury lifestyle without needing credit.

The Nurturer

The Nurturer loves to give and look after people. If you’re a nurturer, you love to give to your community, people at work, in business. You give away your time and money, always wanting to make sure people around you are okay.

The downside is that nurturers often give so much they start to feel resentful. In giving away too much time and money, you’re not supporting yourself. As a nurturer, you need to learn how to support yourself first.

The Accumulator

When it comes to saving money, the Accumulator is the best at it out of all the archetypes. They hate being in debt and will generally not carry any debt at all. If you’re an Accumulator and you do have debt, it was probably accrued through the influence of a previous archetype, which you’ve later learned from.   

My 3 main archetypes include the Accumulator personality (with Maverick being at the top), though it never used to be. It’s only since I got better at managing my money that it now sits within the top 3 for me.

Accumulators tend not to be very good with trust when it comes to money, and they like to avoid overspending. They’ll generally be the ones at dinner who will pore over the bill, being sure to spend money only on what they’ve had to eat and drink. If you’re an Accumulator, you do need to learn to trust or you could struggle with things like investing, which is important for growing our wealth.

Final Thoughts

The 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® are a lot like other archetypes, but with a focus on money. While the feminine archetypes don’t focus on money, you might recognise some clear similarities with the Sacred Money Archetypes® if you were to cross-reference them. As Kendall says, “how we do money is how we do everything”, and improving your self-awareness is incredibly powerful for your finances.

Take the quiz now to discover your unique money personality.

Bye for now,




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